Sunday, June 30, 2013

26 weeks!

I've been getting lots of random questions about how I'm feeling and what's going on, so here it goes (along with a couple I added because I thought they'd be interesting!)

Total weight gain | We had an appointment with our midwife on Wednesday and I gained 2 pounds since our last appointment on May 28. That brings it to a grand total of 16 pounds.

Maternity clothes | I am living in maxi dresses and skirts, tank tops from Gap and these AMAZING maternity leggings my sister gave me when I was home a couple weekends ago. I am still managing to squeeze into my jeans, but only on days when I feel really brave. I even did them with heels (wedges) this week. People at work were very impressed.

Movement | All the time! Andy and I are having so much fun watching my belly move. Baby G is definitely a night owl. Every time I lay down on my side to go to sleep, he/she starts moving around. It has even start kicking and hitting at the same time so I feel like I am getting double jabbed on each side of my belly. It's really fun when I'm trying to fall asleep..... ;)

Belly Button in or out |  FLAT. Seriously, it has yet to pop. I actually just lifted up my shirt to look at it again, and to be really honest, I kind of feel like it's making it's way back inward. Maybe it's just the way I'm sitting, but I do feel like it might just stay in place for awhile.

Food cravings | Gummy worms! Sour are my favorite, but I'll take the regular ones if I have to. We went out for dinner last night and as we were leaving the restaurant, I dragged Andy into the market next door just so we could pick some up!

Sleep | I ordered a body pillow yesterday if that tells you anything.....

More on our appointment this week | Baby G is doing really well and had a heartbeat of 154! We are rotating midwifes each week (there are 11 at the clinic) and we loved who we got this week. She is from Michigan (yay!) and although a U of M grad (BOO!) she made us feeling really relaxed and was so great at answering all of our questions. Now our next appointment is one that I am not looking forward to. Glucose testing and a Rhogam shot. I think my face lost color just hearing her say the words "three tubes of blood."

Hope you all have some really fun plans for the 4th of July! We are going to lay low and hang out around Denver. My job for the week is picking out a paint color for the baby nursery-wish me luck! XO

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