Saturday, July 6, 2013

27 Weeks!

This week has been filled with lots of aches and back pain. I'm a tad bit overly excited about the pregnancy pillow I got in the mail yesterday. I'm not sure why I'm admitting this, but I tracked it all day and might be guilty of standing by the window peaking out a couple times waiting for the UPS guy to pull up. I had it opened and was sprawled out on the bed with it before the box even landed on our porch. Little did I know when I ordered it that there are actually eight different ways you can use it! I am currently sitting on the couch with it nestled behind my back and around my tummy as I type. So now you know I wasn't kidding about the level of excitement I have for this thing. It is seriously amazing! Pictures below for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about.

My job this week was to pick out a paint color for the baby room. Mission accomplished! I promise I'll post photos once everything starts to get put together. I seriously cannot believe we are in the third trimester already! I am so anxious for Baby G to get here, but to be really honest I kind of wish time would slow down a little. This has been such a wonderful experience and as much as I think about the days of not being pregnant, I am already missing this feeling and the time that has already passed.

I was going to keep up with answering the same questions as last week for the next 13 weeks to show the changes, but that idea got squashed when I tried doing the first one again. Total weight gain. I don't believe in scales, so we don't own one! The next time I'll know how much weight I've gained will be at our next appointment mid-July. I'll get everyone up to speed then ;)

Roxy wanted in on the photo action today....she hates being left out. 

"THE" pillow

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