Saturday, June 1, 2013

22 Weeks, Ultrasound and Crib Setup!

This week was an exciting one! We went in for our ultrasound and got a sneak peak at how Baby G is doing in there. We've been hesitant about the whole ultrasound thing, but it was a neat experience and gave us a huge sense of relief to learn that everything looked good and healthy! As most of you already know, we are keeping the gender of Baby G a surprise. It was crazy to think that with just one movement of that wand we could have known, but neither of us had any sort of mind change on this one. Andy is 100% positive there is a mini-Kailey swimming around in there (he's in for a real treat if he's right) and I could not be more convinced that it's a boy!

Fun Fact: Baby Gordon weighed in at exactly one pound at our appointment this week!
Things to Note: There has been a lot of movement going on in there this week and I even got a little punch Wednesday night

We also decided to put together Baby G's crib this weekend! It didn't take near as long as we thought it would, but here are some pics I took (against Andy's will) of the setup. Miss Roxy was quite interested in what was going on.....

And some black and whites of our little alien baby....


  1. Omg I am so excited for u guys to come home:) baby Gordon will be happy to see his or her soon to be favorite auntie:) 3 more days!

  2. We can't wait to see you Auntie Emma!!! XO
