Saturday, April 20, 2013

sixteen weeks!

My belly is definitely starting to stretch and I'm noticing some uncomfortableness when trying to sleep at night. I've been paranoid about sleeping on my back due to some of the reading I've done, so I'm waking myself up all night to make sure I'm sleeping on my side. After talking to one of my experienced preggo friends (thanks, Justine!), my mind was put to rest that I should not be obsessing about this! Phew. So now that I'm not thinking about it so much , I'm finding myself a little more at ease when falling asleep and I even woke up this morning on my side. Bonus!

Fun Fact: Although I haven't felt anything yet, Baby G is starting to move around in there! I picture it to look like a little bubble bouncing back and forth (hence the illustration in my weekly photo). 
Things to Note: I signed up for BabyQ this week. It is a program developed by two West Michigan doctors to promote healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. It has been an awesome resource for things I can be doing weekly to improve my diet, exercise, etc. I downloaded the app to my phone, so each morning I get a message of one thing I can do to improve my "BabyQ score." You can check it out at if you're interested.
** This week I can't help but feel super sad for all of those involved in the Boston bombing. I'm trying to stay positive, but it is so scary to think there are such crazy people out there that can change any of our lives in a matter of seconds. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the people affected by this unexplainable crime, I cannot imagine what they are going through. 

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